Tan Through Shoes! Get Fair and Beautiful Feet with Tandals™

Tan Through Footwear?! Super excited for this product!

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South Asian men and women (especially living in India) have to deal with ugly tan lines on their feet from sandals all the time! Its just a plain fact that sandals are a major fashion in our culture; we wear them everywhere! Sandals are great, especially in the summer months, but no matter what we try, tan lines seem to be  inevitable. Tandals are the first company to hear our cries; “get these ugly tan lines off my feet and help me maintain fairer skin!” Their line of tan through sandals and tan through shoes are bound to hit it big and is already making splashes in the twitter-verse and on Facebook.

Fair skin is revered in South Asian Culture and so staying out of the sun altogether would seem the best option to avoiding tan lines, but the truth is, sometimes it just isn’t possible to carry that umbrella wherever you go. It may surprise most to know that an evenly tanned foot is preferable to one donned with tan lines. It’s the basic principal of comparison, if your feet are completely tanned, they appear lighter in general than a foot of the same shade or lighter with a tan line. The reason being, the lighter shade, though it is preferable, right next to the darker one, reminds people that your foot has indeed gotten darker.

Judge for yourself:

Why an even tan looks fairer than a tan line tan:

What looks better?

This? 😕                                                                          Or This? 😀

Well now you can have it without doing this 😆 :

Can’t wait until Tandals are on the market! Hopefully this plug will make the company give me a free pair 😉 , but at 50% off pre-sale, I’m ordering mine today!

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