Tamil Movie Reviews


The not so much awaited Singam 2 finally arrived and it happens to be the 1st sequel that both Suriya and Hari have attempted in their careers. And sequels in Tamil Cinema is not as much as popluar in Bollywood/Hollywood.
Having tasted success from Aaru, Vel and Singam from this combo. What does Singam2 really offer? Can it satisfy all classes of the audiences?
Read on…

As we all know the story of Singam where Durai Singam-an honest angry cop bashes up criminals and confronting corrupt officials , the story of Singam 2 continues from where it ended from the 1st part.

The story of Singam 2:

Durai Singam(Suriya) works as a NCC officer who has gone undercover in Thuthukoodi. Even though he is been promoted to the higher order post from minister, they have plans to keep track of all that happens in coastal areas of Thuthukoodi. Suriya who…

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Raanjhanaa Review; Crazy, Stupid, Love.

Because we could not have said it better ourselves!


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Movies and Me; The Love Affair


He runs, and runs and runs. He falls. He gets up and runs again. The endurance of Kundan’s (Dhanush) love for the love of his life, Zoya (Sonam), is endearing, obsessive and dangerous. Aanand L Rai attempts to explain the story of a simpleton, his obsession with the local beauty, the lengths he would travel for her and his endless efforts to win her heart. Set in the backdrop of colorful Banaras, Rai paints a fleetingly promising picture of a supposedly doomed romance. He encapsulates the glorious failure of traditional love in the modern age and the undying, unflinching hopelessness of a despondent romantic.

Kundan finds love very early in life and spends the rest of his days tirelessly trying to win the heart of the woman who stole his. After being slapped sixteen times by the girl in question, Kundan finally manages to win her over. But just when…

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How to Speak Tanglish or Tamglish (English and Tamil) – Is It A Good or Bad Idea?

So it clearly stems from an obsession with the West that runs deep in any culture that’s not from Canada or The United States, but this need to aspire to be “All American” may be hurting the world’s multiculturalism. We all remember when Dhanush sang “Why This Kolaveri Di” and we were all excited here in Canada because we could seemingly understand a Tamil song without English subtitles, but there is an apparent deficit to this so-called “Tanglish” or “Tamglish” which is pretty much a broken form of English/Tamil.

Check out this tidbit from Wikipedia (And yes, I consider it to be a somewhat reliable source ;)):

“In The Hindu in 2010, a student in Chennai told of the widespread use of Tanglish by teenagers in her city. She said Tanglish was “something almost every teenager in Chennai uses”, but noted that her mother said Tanglish was “murdering the [Tamil] language”.[3]

The Tanglish lyrics of the film song “Why This Kolaveri Di“, which went viral on Internet social networking sites in November 2011, have been identified as a factor in the song’s popularity.[4][5]

Use of Tanglish, or code-switching between Tamil and English, has been reported among Tamil-speaking immigrant populations in Malaysia and Canada, particularly by young people.[6][7]“… (Wikipedia Tanglish)


I mean in a selfish fashion, we would love if Kollywood (Tamil Cinema) just filmed entire movies in this Tamglish, but it may do more harm than good. We in the west tend to be a tad self-centered in these dealings, because in a sense, the same exotic nature that we love about other cultures would be stifled to death if we molded them to cater to us. It is a nice thing, movies like “Bend it Like Beckham” and Bride and Prejudiced, but somewhere in the back of my mind, I know I am not getting the full picture that I do when I am completely submerged in the Eastern culture, Language and all.

I know it is probably a cool thing for youth to use Tamglish in the schoolyard; perhaps as a sign you are going places. I mean growing up in Canada with The States literally next door, all I wanted to be was America. In fact, the first thing I ever brought with my first paycheck when I was 14, was a pair of Levi’s Blue Jeans, so you can just imagine.

Is there a solution to this Tanglish epidemic in Chennai? Or is this just the way the world is heading? Language does evolve does it not? It would be a tragedy to lose Tamil to a murdered form of English, but hey, we’ve already lost English to a decapitated form of writing; the text message.

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Tamil Glam is a blog/e-zine that wants to see more written about Tamil culture and entertainment in English. You can hit us up on Twitter @TamilGlam or send us an email For the latest Tamil Movie and Entertainment Reviews in English subscribe to Galatta, we know we do!


Thalaivaa Official Theatrical Movie Trailer (English Review)

OMG! So who is excited?! this looks totally intense and awesome!

Released today; check out the official trailer for Thalaivaa. Looks like another great one! And he’s pairing up with Sathyaraj, his Nanban co-star; what amazing chemistry these two are bound to have!

We will never get tired of Vijay walking in slow motion to a sexy soundtrack while he puts on shades (indoors for some reason); Sweet! Indeed there is an edgier side to Vijay that has been emerging and we can’t wait to see the many facets of his acting that are bound to surface in this one. Paired with a great romance and what promises to be a booming soundtrack, this will no doubt be one of the most anticipated movies of 2013.

“It’s do (dramatic pause) or die”, could this be the new “I’m waiting”? only time will tell.

Now if only the trailer had English subtitles. We will post it as soon as it becomes available.

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Tamil Glam is a blog/e-zine that wants to see more written about Tamil culture and entertainment in English. You can hit us up on Twitter @TamilGlam or send us an email For the latest Tamil Movie and Entertainment Reviews in English we recommend you check our ReviewRaja or subscribe to Galatta, we know we do!

Put Your Pants On Bollywood! You’re Making The Rest Of Us Look Bad!

And Kollywood!? If Bollywood Jumped off a bridge, Would you do it too!? I certainly hope not.

Why Bollywood, Why? Did we not give you enough attention when you were young?

So long story short, this weekend, some colleagues and I finally got around to watching Jab Tak Hai Jaan (a Bollywood film) and were shocked, mouths-agape 😯 when we saw Shahrukh Khan kiss Katrina Kaif on the lips. It’s a funny thing, but it still irks me for some reason. I am used to seeing more than kissing in Hollywood films, but I am protective over my world cinema stars. They set the standard for modesty and now I see it crumbling beneath them. This has been going on for a long time, but I wonder if I will ever get used to it.

I know some of you want to see the kiss, so here it is:

😕 Umm, what was I saying again? Oh yes, okay so it’s hot, it’s shocking to some and it gets buts in seats at the theater, but is it worth it? Is it necessary?

For the few Canadians and Americans who know the difference between Kollywood, Bollywood, Tollywood etc… Awesome! But most in the west would just lump all the “-woods” together as “Brown Cinema”, so you can understand why Bollywood’s lack of discretion as of late is making the whole industry look desperate. One might call Kollywood’s lack of raunch old fashioned, but there is something to be said in its defense  I can however, see Kollywood teetering on the edge, with more and more kissing going on, and embraces that are a bit too close for and unmarried couple. I know I sound like someone’s grandmother, but is nothing scared anymore!? If I wanted to see two people going at it in a married fashion, I’d watch a Hollywood film.

The essence of Romanticism (which is the focal point of many-a Indian Film) is longing for, but never attaining the desires of the heart. Its the reason why Mr. Darcy’s stare from across a room at Elizabeth was filled with more sexual tension than even 5 secs of The Dirty Picture.

The Bollywood Ticket made a good point about why there is little to no kissing in Indian Cinema that’s worth a read:

How come there’s no sex in Bollywood movies?

Two reasons: social and artistic. Onscreen physical intimacy is frowned upon in India—even kissing is fairly rare. But more importantly, Indian filmmakers are masters of the art of seduction. There may not be any sex in Bollywood movies, but they sure are sexy. In fact, it’s precisely because there’s no sex that they’re filled with so much incredible tension, which is missing entirely from Hollywood movies these days. In the words of film critic Roger Ebert, “it is less erotic to snuggle for 60 minutes than spend 60 seconds wondering if you are about to be snuggled.” He was talking about Bollywood.

Sometimes Bollywood musical numbers act as a substitute for sex, depicting it not in any crass, overt way, but implicitly, even metaphorically. The characters are often so carried away with passion that they suddenly appear in exotic locations around the world—the pyramids of Egypt, the canals of Venice, the mountains of Switzerland—places that have nothing to do with the plot but have everything to do with the limitlessness of fantasy.” (Bollywood for Beginners)

We want to know what you think! Should us old conservative fogies just stuff it, and let the chips fall where they may? Or is there a point to maintaining modesty in Kollywood?

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Tamil Glam is a blog/e-zine that wants to see more written about Tamil culture and entertainment in English. You can hit us up on Twitter @TamilGlam or send us an email For the latest Tamil Movie and Entertainment Reviews in English subscribe to Galatta, we know we do!

Review Raja! Tamil to English Entertainment

Hes sharp, he’s adorable, he’s not afraid to wear a sari and best of all, he’s Canadian! He’s Review Raja. A bit of a celeb in the Tamil to English Entertainment World. He’s been turning heads ever since his first review in 2012.

He started out bashful and a bit camera-shy, and some said he was to nice because he was seemingly “liking” all the movies that he reviewed. This was understandable because he was now approaching the medium. However, it wasn’t too long before he was a Tamil film buff and the claws came out! Now he’s just the right kind of bitchy as you can see in this i.e Review about Alex Pandian, and English audiences can never wait for his next review.

Review Raja! We salute you!

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Tamil Glam is a blog/ e-zine that wants to see more written about Tamil culture and entertainment in English. You can hit us up on Twitter @TamilGlam or send us an For the latest Tamil Movie and Entertainment Reviews in English we recommend you check our ReviewRaja or subscribe to Galatta, we know we do!

Vijay To Make English Debut?! In “Curry In Love”

Sweet baby Jesus, could it be true?!

“Yesterday the buzz was ripe that Ilayathalapathy Vijay might be a part of an English film by the name ‘Curry in Love’. P Vasu is set to direct this film which also features a dream cast comprising the likes of Sonam Kapoor and Anil Kapoor, according to reports.

But it looks highly unlikely that Vijay would accept this project as his datebook is packed with movies such as Jilla, the future A R Murugadoss project and another tentative film for Aascar Films. This being the case, Vijay won’t be in a position to take up this high profile project, one feels.” – (Excerpt from

Even if it all just speculation, if Vijay is really planning on making an English debut, we can hardly wait! Understanding that some of the conventions of Kollywood don’t transfer over to American Cinema, it will be interesting indeed to see any how this movie, apparently being called “Curry In Love”, might turns out.

We all remember Aishwarya’s English version of Jane Austen’s “Bride and Prejudice” don’t we? *sound of crickets*. She should have done “Incense and Sensibility” instead of Kandukondain Kandukondain 😉 . Let’s hope the next Tamil star to hit the silver screen, whoever it may be, shows the whole world how amazing, talented and driven our stars are!


Tamil Glam is a blog/ e-zine that wants to see more written about Tamil culture and entertainment in English. You can hit us up on Twitter @TamilGlam or send us an email For the latest Tamil Movie and Entertainment Reviews in English we recommend you check our ReviewRaja or subscribe to Galatta, we know we do!

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See you at the movies!